Objection to 14/00066/OUT – 160 houses Dukes Meadow Drive

    Dear Tracey Morrissey

    I am writing to strongly OBJECT to the planning application 14/00066/OUT for 160 houses on northern edge of Dukes Meadow Drive. Cherwell Council have met their 5 year housing plan, therefore this development is not required and if permitted would exceed the amount necessary. The density of housing proposed will have a severe detrimental effect on neighbouring properties. The increase in population in an already dense area will only escalate issues that we currently have on Hanwell Fields. Speeding vehicles, illegal parking, litter, anti-social behaviour and crime. Frankly we have had enough already.

    As a resident and member of our community I have a right to feel protected, I have a right to open space, I have a right to an environment in which I want to live, not to feel vulnerable or unsafe.

    Dukes Meadow Drive cannot withstand such an increase in traffic. The proximity of current housing to the edge of this road suffer enough noise and vibrations from the increase in traffic as DMD is being used a cut through for many vehicles, including large HGV's.

    We are already facing the consequences of your planning strategy, that at best is highly flawed. You will not suffer the outcome of your own decisions and nor will the planning committee, I and my fellow community will have that to face.

    We do not need any more housing added to this estate. The Miller homes development which is to be passed more than meets the additional needs to fulfil BAN 5 numbers.

    I urge the council to consider this development very wisely and show that they represent the needs of the local community and not that of the developer.

    The general consensus that Framptons need to report is that not one of their feedback forms was positive they were all negative. As part of the localism act we have made our views perfectly clear. Leave us alone.


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